Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My 4 Year Old

I needed something to do (you know, besides clean) and then I read Mrs. Priss' blog post about her little girl turning 3, wherein she interviewed her. I've seen these types of interviews before, but never tried it out on Griffin. So that's just what I did today. He's cute. Here's proof:

What's your favorite color? Pink.

What's your favorite toy? My train set.

What's your favorite fruit? Oranges.

What's your favorite TV show? Alfred Hedgehog. (The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog on ION)

What's your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Mac and cheese.

What's your favorite outfit? T-Rex shirt.

What's your favorite game? Board games.

What's your favorite snack? Snacky plate (he asks for this often, which is a kid's section plate with various snacks usually fresh fruit, pickles, hot dog, and crackers).

What's your favorite animal? Baby monkey (his stuffed animal).

What's your favorite song? The How It's Made song (hehe).

What's your favorite book? The puppy book, Dalmatians.

What's your favorite cereal? Cars 2 cereal (chocolate Rice Krispies)

Who's your best friend? Rio and Grandma (Rio is a little girl who used to live across the street, and we still try to hang out with her often).

What's your favorite thing to do outside? Pet Smokey (dog) with Daddy.

What's your favorite drink? The one you just gave me (cranberry juice with lime).

What's your favorite holiday? Halloween.

What do you like to take to bed with you? Baby monkey.

What's your favorite breakfast? Cereal.

What's your favorite dinner? Pizza.

What do you want to be when you grow up? I don't know.

Griffin Joel , age 4 and 5 months

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