Monday, December 15, 2008

Blah Blah Blog (feelin' link-y)

Just can't seem to get anything written down.

Had a good, busy weekend. Hung out with my nephews and my family.  Courtney and Afton came over last night and made me feel wonderful. Afton came bearing homemade cookies and Courtney bearing Agwa de Bolivia. Yum!

Went to the McCormick-Stillman Train Park in Scottsdale on Saturday night with my mom, step-dad, step-sister (C.J.), Jason, Griffin, and nephews Cody and Conner. That was pretty fun. It was cold too. Saturday daytime we went to C.J.'s softball game at my old middle school Pueblo which was nice because the weather was fantastic then we went home and took a an hour long NAP! 
Yesterday we woke up early, played, and Jason and I took Griffin to a great park in a richy rich neighborhood. Then my mom brought me a peppermint mocha Starbucks Frappucino when we met her at the Christmas tree lot and they had picked out a perfectly flawless Christmas tree for the family room. Jason and I attempted to Xmas shop at Target, but we left with only one present and a case of Corona, much to my dismay. But my evening was sweet, with the arrivals of my friends, they don't know each other (well they do now) but they both made my night. 
Then when Griffin finally drifted off and my friends left, Jason and I finished watching Wall-E together. I thought it was a seriously cute movie and I will be purchasing it when that's possible i.e. when I have a little extra money for something frivolous. 
Anyway, thought I'd spew a few words out there just for the sake of memories and stuff like that. I have been meaning to do a picture update, so stay tuned, if you even look here anymore. 

LUV, Regan


Jamilyn said...

Of course I still look here!! Can't wait to see new pics!!!!!!

Lyssa said...

I look here everyday. The only problem is it takes a few days to update, so I just got 4 of your blogs all at once. Keep writing!