Monday, December 22, 2008


My mom told me she had this song in her head today. See lyrics below. If you just read it, it doesn't really do it justice 'cause the tune is cute, but I couldn't find a video for it. The song I had in my head at the time however was The Noodle Boys song which is on this random Nick Jr DVD I have featuring "The Little Buddies." I just think it's funny that my mom and usually my sister and I too, always gets these kid songs in our heads. Laurie Berkner never fails for a catchy tune and I've been known to quote Stephanie's songs on Lazytown all day and then some. And most of the time, I usually actually like the song. I don't love the cartoons so much, but I love the theme songs. I happen to love the opening for Oswald and Franklin. I don't let Griffin sit around and watch TV all day, but I'll admit there has been some days where it felt like that's all we did, and whenever there is a kid in the house, there MUST be a cartoon on sometime. It's just the norm. So, you discover which cartoons you like and don't like, and you can control it until your kid gets older and starts to voice his own opinion. Drat. (: Anyway, I could really go on and on about cartoons the same way I can with fashion and celebrity gossip, but only certain friends want to hear about just that. So, read it, it's s cute! I wonder how people come up with these things!

P.S. These lyrics say that the mom's voice is Alicia Keys and I didn't guess that, but I could see that happening. Also though, I have no clue if the person who posted this really knows either.

P.P.S. I really must say that most of the songs from The Backyardigans are really good and cute. BUT I could go without the Polka one and the Circus one.

From "Mission to Mars ". Mommy Martian is voiced by Alicia Keys. Baby Boinga is voiced by Shakyra Lipscomb.

Style: Kenyan High Life

Austin: Boinga's a word we don't understand.
Mommy Martian: Well, words are different in Martian Land.
Pablo: Well, we don't know your language yet.
Austin: Maybe you could teach us?
Mommy Martian: Sure, you bet.

Baby Boinga: Boinga!

Mommy Martian: Almost everything is boinga here,
Just in case you hadn't heard.
Almost everything is boinga here,
It's the Martians' favorite word.

Uniqua: Do you call these hands?
Mommy Martian: Nope, we call them boinga!
Austin: Do you use pots and pans?
Mommy Martian: Yup, we call them boinga!

Baby Boinga: Boinga!

Pablo: We wear hats on our heads.
Mommy Martian: Really? We wear boinga!
Uniqua: Do you guys sleep in beds?
Mommy Martian: Nope, we sleep in boinga!

Pablo: Hey!
Austin: That's good.

Mommy Martian: Do your birds say boinga?
Uniqua: No, our birds say tweet!
Mommy Martian: Do your flowers smell boinga?
Pablo: No, they just smell sweet!

Mommy Martian: Do you walk on your boinga?
Austin: No, we walk on our feet!
Mommy Martian: Do you sit on your boinga?
Uniqua: No, we sit on our seat!

Baby Boinga: Boinga! Boinga!

Pablo: You certainly use that word a lot.
Mommy Martian: Well, it means a lot of things, so why not?
Austin: Is there anything boinga doesn't mean?
Mommy Martian: Well maybe there is but not that I've seen.

Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin: Almost everything is boinga here.
Mommy Martian: We boinga all boinga long.
Baby Boinga: Boinga!
Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin: Almost everything is boinga here.
Mommy Martian: So we boinga this boinga song.

Baby Boinga: Boinga!

Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin:Boinga this boinga
Mommy Martian: Boinga!
Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin:Boinga this boinga
Mommy Martian: Boinga!
Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin:This boinga song!
Mommy Martian: Boinga!
Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin:Boinga this boinga
Mommy Martian: Boinga!
Pablo, Uniqua, and Austin: Boinga this boinga

Baby Boinga: Boinga! Boinga! Boinga!

1 comment:

Lyssa said...

Of all those cartoons you mentioned I don't know any of them! And its not like I'm going to see them anytime soon since we don't get any of the American cartoons here (we do get funny Hungarian ones though). Christian is going to be so out of the loop when we move back to the states!